Welcome note

We are pleased to announce that this year Karolinska Stroke Update will be organised together with ESO, and renamed to ESO-Karolinska Stroke Update. The meeting is scheduled to take place at The Clarion Sign Hotel in Stockholm, Sweden, November 16-18th November 2014.

Since 1996 the Karolinska Stroke Update meetings have been an important forum for timely update on the most important issues in stroke field. Leading experts present recent trial results and state-of-the art knowledge, followed by an open discussion with a focus on interpretations of study findings and implications for clinical practice. An integral part of the Karolinska Stroke meetings have been the issuing of consensus statements which have been prepared by chairpersons and speakers in the respective sessions and approved by the participants of the meeting.
There documents have had an influence on practical stroke management and international and national guidelines on stroke care. The thrombolysis statements in 1996, 1998 and 2000 were among the first professional consensus documents on this issue and obviously a contributing factor to the provisional approval of stroke thrombolysis in 2002.The Karolinska Stroke Update meeting provided one of the first opportunities for an eminent stroke expert audience to discuss and consent on the interpretation of these results, as well as on other recent advances. 

Finally, we invite you to join us for the social events of the meeting: the Gala Dinner on Monday Nov 17th – included in the registration fee.

Welcome to Stockholm 16-18 November 2014!

Yours sincerely,

Nils Wahlgren, chairman