Scientific Programme

Please note that the programme can change. Keep yourself updated by visiting the webpage frequently.
Sunday, November 16th
13:00 - 18:00
Registration open
Conference entrance
15:00 - 17:00
Update committees meeting
Floor 2
Faculty Dinner
Monday, November 17th
08:30 - 08:40
Welcome address and opening of the meeting
Nils Wahlgren, Chairman ESO-Karolinska Stroke Update, Stockholm
08:40 - 09:50
Stroke guidelines - how to make them reliable and practical
Chair: Michael Brainin, Krems; Thorsten Steiner, Heidelberg / Secretary: Olivier Bill , Stockholm
08:40 - 08:55
How to make reliable guidelines - grading the evidence
Speaker: Thorsten Steiner, Heidelberg
08:55 - 09:10
How to make clinical guidance practical
Speaker: Werner Hacke, Heidelberg
09:10 - 09:25
How to handle conflicts of interest when creating guidelines
Speaker: Bart van der Worp, Utrecht
09:25 - 09:35
Draft consensus statement on Stroke guidelines
Speaker: Olivier Bill, Stockholm
09:35 - 09:50
Discussion and Consensus Statement on Stroke Guidelines
Moderator: Michael Brainin, Krems
09:50 - 10:20
Special Lecture: Global Stroke Directions - Where To Now
Speaker: Bo Norrving, Lund
10:20 - 10:50
Coffee break
10:50 - 11:50
Sinus venous thrombosis - updated guideline
Chair: Gary Ford, Oxford / Secretary: Christina Sjöstrand, Stockholm
10:50 - 11:10
Sinus venous thrombosis - presentation of updated guideline
Speaker: José Ferro. Lisbon
11:10 - 11:25
Comment on updated guideline on Sinus venous thrombosis
Speaker: Jonathan Coutinho, Amsterdam
11:25 - 11:35
Draft Consensus Statement on Sinus venous thrombosis guideline
Speaker: Christina Sjöstrand, Stockholm
11:35 - 11:50
Discussion and Consensus Statement on Sinus venous thrombosis guideline
Moderator: Gary Ford, Oxford
11:50 - 12:50
Lunch and poster exhibition
12:50 - 14:25
Atrial fibrillation and Oral anticoagulants
Chair: Didier Leys, Paris / Secretary: Niaz Ahmed, Stockholm
12:50 - 13:10
New oral anticoagulants vs warfarin in atrial fibrillation - presentation and comment on a metaanalysis of randomised controlled trials
Speaker: Leif Friberg, Stockholm
13:10 - 13:25
New oral anticoagulants - the stroke perspective
13:25 - 13:40
Screening for atrial fibrillation in acute stroke
Speaker: Mårten Rosenqvist, Stockholm
13:40 - 13:55
Update on interventional left atrial appendage occlusion therapy in atrial fibrillation
Speaker: Grethe Andersen, Aarhus
13:55 - 14:05
Draft Consensus statement on New oral anticoagulants vs warfarin in atrial fibrillation
Speaker: Niaz Ahmed, Stockholm
14:05 - 14:25
Discussion and Consensus Statement on New anticoagulants vs warfarin in atrial fibrillation
Moderator: Didier Leys, Paris
14:25 - 14:55
Coffee break
14:55 - 15:25
Special lecture: Stroke - Can we do even better?
Speaker: Vladimir Hachinski, London Ontario
15:25 - 16:45
Space-occupying hemispheric infarction - updated guideline
Chair: Valeria Caso, Perugia / Secretary: Magnus Thorén, Stockholm
15:25 - 15:45
Space-occupying hemispheric infarction - presentation of updated guideline
Speaker: Bart van der Worp, Utrecht
15:45 - 16:00
Comment on updated guideline on Space-occupying hemispheric infarction
Speaker: Eric Jüttler, Berlin
16:00 - 16:20
Update on decompressive surgery in patients over age 60
Speaker: Eric Jüttler, Berlin
16:20 - 16:30
Draft Consensus statement on Space-occupying hemispheric infarction
Speaker: Magnus Thorén, Stockholm
16:30 - 16:45
Discussion and Consensus Statement on Space-occupying hemispheric infarction
Moderator: Valeria Caso, Perugia
16:45 - 17:50
SITS session
16:45 - 16:55
SITS International today
Speaker: Nils Wahlgren, Stockholm
16:55 - 17:10
SITS-Open study and Thrombectomy registry
Speaker: Nils Wahlgren, Stockholm
17:10 - 17:20
SITS Atrial Fibrillation Registry and initiation of new studies
Speaker: Niaz Ahmed, Stockholm
17:20 - 17:30
Demonstration of the new SITS Reporting Tool
Speaker: Tiago Moreira, Stockholm
17:30 - 17:40
Imaging database - a new step towards innovation
Speaker: Robert Mikulik, Czech Republic
17:40 - 17:50
Questions & Answers
Welcome cocktail
Karolinska Stroke Award presentation
Anders Hamsten, Vice-Chancellor, Karolinska Institutet
Official Conference dinner
Tuesday, November 18th
08:30 - 10:15
Intravenous Thrombolysis
Chair: Werner Hacke, Heidelberg; Kennedy Lees, Glasgow: Secretary: Michael Mazya, Stockholm
08:30 - 08:50
Intravenous Thrombolysis in acute ischaemic stroke - updated meta analysis
Speaker: Kennedy Lees, Glasgow
08:50 - 09:05
Desmoteplase in Acute Ischemic Stroke: DIAS 3 - results
Speaker: Rüdiger von Kummer, Dresden
09:05 - 09:20
Symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage - is there an optimal definition?
Speaker: Rüdiger von Kummer, Dresden
09:20 - 09:35
Thrombolysis treatment under anticoagulation
Speaker: Michael Mazya, Stockholm
09:35 - 09:50
Improving Door-to-needle time - The SITS WATCH study
Speaker: Daniel Strbian, Helsinki
09:50 - 10:05
Draft Consensus statement on intravenous thrombolysis
Speaker: Michael Mazya, Stockholm
10:05 - 10:15
Discussion and Consensus Statement on intravenous thrombolysis
Moderator: Werner Hacke, Heidelberg
10:15 - 10:45
Coffee break
10:45 - 11:05
ESO Presidential address: Challenges 2014 and beyond
Speaker: Kennedy Lees, Glasgow
11:05 - 12:05
Temperature management in acute ischaemic stroke - updated guideline
Chair: Patrik Michel, Lausanne / Secretary: Erik Lundström, Stockholm
11:05 - 11:25
Temperature management in acute ischaemic stroke - presentation of updated guideline
Speaker: George Ntaios, Athens
11:25 - 11:40
Comment on updated guideline on Temperature management in acute ischaemic stroke
Speaker: Danilo Toni, Rome
11:40 - 11:50
Draft Consensus statement on Temperature management in acute ischaemic stroke
Speaker: Erik Lundström, Stockholm
11:50 - 12:05
Discussion and Consensus Statement on Temperature management in acute ischaemic stroke
Moderator: Patrik Michel, Lausanne
12:05 - 13:05
Lunch and poster exhibition
13:05 - 13:35
Special lecture: Clinical application of stroke genetics
Speaker: Martin Dichgans, Munich
13:35 - 15:00
Mechanical thrombectomy in acute stroke
Chair: Turgut Tatlisumak, Helsinki; Staffan Holmin, Stockholm / Secretary: Tiago Moreira, Stockholm
13:35 - 13:50
MR CLEAN - Endovascular treatment for acute ischaemic stroke in the Netherlands: Main outcomes
Speaker: Wim van Zwam, Maastricht
13:50 - 14:05
Status of the evidence for mechanical thrombectomy in acute stroke
Speaker: Heinrich Mattle, Bern
14:05 - 14:20
Ongoing trials on mechanical thrombectomy in acute stroke
Speaker: Christophe Cognard, Toulouse
14:20 - 14:35
New devices and technical development for mechanical thrombectomy
Speaker: Olav Jansen, Kiel
14:35 - 14:45
Draft Consensus statement on mechanical thrombectomy in acute stroke
Speaker: Tiago Moreira, Stockholm
14:45 - 15:00
Discussion and Consensus Statement on mechanical thrombectomy in acute stroke
Moderator: Heinrich Mattle, Bern; Staffan Holmin, Stockholm
15:00 - 15:30
Coffee break
15:30 - 16:30
Prehospital management of stroke - updated guideline
Chair: Natan Bornstein, Tel Aviv / Secretary: Charith Cooray, Stockholm
15:30 - 15:50
Prehospital management of stroke - presentation of updated guideline
Speaker: Jacques De Keyser, Brussels
15:50 - 16:05
Comment on updated guideline on Prehospital management
Speaker: Robert Mikulik, Brno
16:05 - 16:15
Draft Consensus statement on Prehospital management of stroke
Speaker: Charith Cooray, Stockholm
16:15 - 16:30
Discussion and Consensus Statement on Prehospital management of stroke
Moderator: Natan Bornstein, Tel Aviv
16:30 - 17:00
Summary and Next steps? Targets for 2016 - where do we need to update guidelines?
Moderator: Nils Wahlgren, Stockholm
Secretary: Anna Steinberg, Stockholm
Speaker: Kennedy Lees, Bart van der Worp, Michael Brainin, Valeria Caso, Thorsten Steiner, George Ntaios, Natan Bornstein, Gary Ford, Didier Leys, David Russell
Closing of the meeting